Latest Release

Version 0.3 (Circulatory release) was released on 2016-04-28. At this point, we have much of the same facility for life data analysis in Reliasoft's Weibull++. Plots have a "theme" option which allow plots to have similar styling as Weibull++. All the calculations available in the "quick calculation pad" are now part of the package.

In comparison with Weibull++, our main limitation is that we only have 2 distributions available: exponential and Weibull. In the next few releases, we hope to add the rest. Additionaly, we'll be adding bounds to calculations and plots. Lastly, we will tighten up the histogram and add the contour plots for parameter estimation.

With life data analysis getting to a good spot, we will be adding competing failure methods, warranty analysis, degradation analysis, and recurrent event analysis. We are also getting close to adding features not available in Weibull++.

About the Package

R has many packages for time-to-event/survival analysis. See CRAN Task View. This package aims to add to the community specifically in the context of reliability engineering or Weibull analysis. While the underlying mathematics are the same, the different contexts can lead to different conventions and challenges. We hope this package fills this gap and offers an open-source alternative to commerical reliability engineering software.


The weibullpp package was created in 2016 by Richard Leu (@lxy009).